OK, I know it is supposed to be TGIF but I completely missed that boat :-) My oldest is here from CA and I cooked a fantastic dinner for all my kids last night. What a great feeling it is to have them all around at once. Scottie had to go to work so he missed the majority of the evening but the rest of us ate homemade chicken cordon bleu, rice pilaf and stamed carrots. Kalli loved the carrots!
I am happy to have last week over with. It was hectic and sad and stressful. My friends mother passed away early Thursday morning. She is now at peace and I pray the family can get back to a more normal and happy routine. They have been through so much.
The funeral for my cousins husband is today. His body was located and I know that has given the family a feeling of closure in that area.
Kallis 1st birthday party is today too! I gave her the presents we bought for her last night as I know she will be really overwhelmed today with all the people and gifts. I wanted to see her enjoy what we had gotten. I bought her her first purse. She loved it! Every time it would slip off her shoulder she would come to me and I would hold the purse out. She would then stick her arm into the straps and I would get it back up on her shoulder. She looked so darn cute!!! This last year has just been amazing as a grandparent.
Here is a picture of her on her birthday taken by my oldest son, Greg.
I hope each and every one of you has a great weekend.