Monday, April 27, 2009

Mondays are quickly becoming my favorite day of the week..........

I find myself looking forward to Mondays like never before. That is because I am always so excited to see the MojoMonday sketch. What great therapy card making can be for me-and for you! And after the day I had today this was just what I needed. My father in law had a heart attack, passed out while driving, and thankfully didn't hurt himself, my mother in law or anyone else in this latest health scare. A student at the school where I work got a nice gash on her head from a piece on a fence gate-that was a bloody mess. And, it is Monday-the beginning of another busy work week. So I was very excited when I saw this sketch and got to work on it. It fell together nicely although I feel like I am lacking something-I just don't know what. I am going to call it a day now. Thanks for dropping by.


  1. I don't think you are lacking anything at all I think it's lovely just as it is *smiles*
    Michelle M

  2. Wow Deb, what a day you had... hopefully it will be nice and quite today... and your poor in-laws.. thank goodness no one was hurt..

    Great card by the way

  3. Just found your blog through Lisa's ... lovely! You have some beautiful color combos . Will come visit again .
