Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby's First Tooth

My granddaughter Kalli got her first tooth about a month ago and it is now up there where we can get a good look every time she smiles. Being the poser that she is it wasn't difficult for me to get a good picture of her. I just had to share this cheesy picture. Isn't she cute?
And...................guess what? I am going to be a grandma again-March 2010 they are having their second baby. This is fun!


  1. Oh Deb..she is adorable... and Congratulations and Grandbaby #2

  2. awww bless what a sweetie.
    thank you for entering my blog candy.. don't worry about adding it to your side bar it doesn't matter.. good luck. hugs rachxxx

  3. Awww, she's adorable and so sweet, just have to smile! Congrats on your 2nd, that's wonderful!
