Saturday, April 11, 2009

I wanted to share one of my many passions

My husband and I love going out in the woods to look for wildlife-mainly elk and deer but I get a thrill out of seeing just a bird or a squirrel on a slow day in the woods. We are lucky to live in Washington State, close to Mt. St. Helen's. There are elk everywhere. Scott is an avid hunter and while I don't go for the kill I do go to shoot-pictures that is. Here are a couple pictures I took last weekend (April 4, 2009) when we took my parents up to feed the elk at EcoPark. I could do this every day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, we don't get anything like that in NYC unless I go to the zoo... great shots, and thanks for sharing....

    And your granddaughter is soooooooo sweet
